Wealth Access Portal

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Guidance to Mandeville’s "new" wealth access portal

Mandeville Private Client Inc. is pleased to provide you with the "NEW" Wealth Access Client Portal. We are making this change in order to better serve you, as well as creating a foundation for additional services and enhancements in the future. This brochure contains important information you will need in order to access the new Wealth Access client portal.

  • Your Accounts, Holdings and Transactions
  • Client Statements
  • Performance and Fee Reports
  • Other Documents

For your reference below, we have provided an example of a sample client’s existing log in information and how the client will access the new portal. This sample client’s email notification for the client portal was johnsmith@gmail.com

New Login Example

Access to Wealth Access Your User ID is now your email address Your Password Remains Unchanged

Why Are We Making This Change?

Upgrading Wealth Access will set the foundation to better serve you.

  • The new site is mobile enabled and user friendly from not only desktop computers, but mobile devices as well
  • The look and feel and maneuverability is modern and accessible
  • Improvement in speed, performance and accessibility
  • You will be able to communicate with your Advisor securely through the client portal
  • Your Advisor will be able to publish documents for your access securely


The Overview page will provide a summary of your Mandeville accounts. The illustrated pie chart allows you to choose the set up of the graph: by asset mix, currency or accounts, it’s your choice. Click the dropdown arrow under "My Portfolio" section in order to expand the listing of your Mandeville accounts. The left panel allows you to toggle between the following web pages: Overview, Holdings, Fees, Transactions, My Documents and General Documents. Just click on the panel option you want to view.

My Portoflio(s) Overview Example

By clicking on the settings symbol you have the option to change your preferences, language, password or to logout.

My Portoflio(s) Overview Setting Example

The General Documents section will contain important Mandeville client resources; you have the option to download or to view.

Client Resources Example


For assistance please contact your financial advisor or the following:


Monday to Friday 9a.m. to 5p.m.